3 Worse flu like Diseases in Recent History

Published Mar 31, 2020


3 worse diseases similar to COVID-19 in recent History

1) Spanish Flu (1918-1919)

Spread by military personnel from various countries returning home after World War I. This flu, commonly known as Bird Flu, was caused by an H1 N1 virus that was found in birds. At least 500 000 million people died from the Spanish Flu.

2) SARS (2002-2004)

This flu like virus originated in Southern China in November 2002. SARS or Sever Acute Respiratory Syndrome affected the lungs. It was also called SARS-CoV as the genetic makeup of the virus is similar to COVID-19. This serve disease was transmitted from person to person via air. Approximately 774 people died internationally.

3) Swine Flu (2009 -2010)

-This flu was a combination of bird and pig flu that was able to mutate and eventually affect humans. Younger people were more likely to get affected by this now seasonal flu as they did not develop the vital antibodies. The older generation that had survived the previous H1 N1 flu already developed these antibodies.

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